šŸ“° Combinations In Haskell (called Tail After Tail)

Posted on April 3, 2022 by Myoungjin Jeon
Tags: haskell, combinations, raku

Copyright (c) 2022 JEON Myoungjin <jeongoon@gā€¦ >

LICENSE: Open Software License 3.0

Combinations in Haskell Series

  1. Combinations In Haskell (called Leaders and Followers)
  2. Combinations In Haskell (called Tail After Tail)
  3. Tail After Tail Story (Combinations In Haskell)

Yet Another Combinations

I was trying to make a new type of combinations after making a combinations method in golang, which is fast as expected as usual. Itā€™s impressive how golang shows splend performance even though I didnā€™t tweak the code much.

And my first haskell resursive version of combinations (LeadersAndFollowers) isnā€™t quite fast enough even though most of all concept behind the code is creative, but it is not a single, natural flow of generating a list. So I wrote down the pattern and found something I could apply.

Tail After Tail

I named the module Tail After Tail which will be explained later. Two different function allCombinations, combinations are exported.

module TailAfterTail
  ( combinations
  , allCombinations
  ) where

import Data.List (inits, tails)

Find Out The Pattern

Letā€™s say given selection list is [1,2,3,4,5]

Ī»> members = [1..5]

And we will select some from the members.

Select Only One

Note: N stands for number of selection.

This is too easy case. it will look like by list comprehension.

combinations1 ms = [ [m] | m <- ms ]

Or by using map.

combinations1 ms = map (\m -> [m]) ms

Or in more pointer-free way, which I donā€™t highly recommend. but sometimes very handy when combining with . operator.

combinations1 = map (:[])

I found that list comprehension is most readable form here, so I will use it more often.

Select Two

Iā€™m going to start from left always and 1 will be fist part of combinations.

Letā€™s remind N=1 case as following

Ī»> members = [1..5]
Ī»> combinations1 members

Part1 (N=2, P=1)

Letā€™s have a look into first part of (N=2) case

Ī»> combinations2part1 [ 1 : [m] | m <- [2..5] ]
-- or
Ī»> combinations2part1 ms = [1 : [m] | m <- (tail [1..5]) ]

-- which is
Ī»> combinations2part1 ms = [1 : [m] | m <- (tail $ combinations1 ms) ]

How about Part 2 ??

Part2 (N=2, P=2)

Ī»> combinations2part2 ms = [2 : [t] | t <- [3..5] ]
Ī»> -- or
Ī»> combinations2part2 ms = [2 : [t] | t <- (tail . tail $ combinations1 ms)]

As we are going to next part (1 -> 2 -> 3..), rest of cases ([m]) are reducing by tail of original members.

Letā€™s summarise what we found:

P stands for partition of generating.

{ N=1 }
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_1
           ^^^^^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_2
               ^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_3
{ N=1, Part = 2 } : N/A


{ N=2, P=1 }
  [ 1 : [t] | t <- tailN1_1 ] => [[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[1,5]]
{ N=2, P=2 }
  [ 2 : [t] | t <- tailN1_2 ] => [[2,3],[2,4],[2,5]]
{ N=2, P=3 }
  [ 3 : [t] | t <- tailN1_3 ] => [[3,4],[3,5]]
{ N=2, P=4 }
  [ 4 : [t] | t <- tailN1_4 ] => [[4,5]]
{ N=2, P=5 }
  N/A as tailN1P1_5 == []

In total, accumlated results are below.

{ N=2 } -- without flattening

Note: we need to flatten the partial results by calling concat later when we need to do it.

And in next step I found more similarity in generating the combinations with subtle difference.

Select Three

-- again __without__ flattening
{ N=2 }
   vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv -> not useful for next

-- but we need to flatten the list before combining.
{ N=3, P=1 }
  [ 1 : [t] | t <- (concat tailN2_1) ]
  => [[1,2,3],[1,2,4],[1,2,5],[1,3,4] .. ]

{ N=3, P=2 }
  [ 2 : [t] | t <- (concat tailN2_2) ]
  => [[2,3,4],[2,3,5],[2,4,5]]

{ N=3, P=4 }
  N/A as tailN2_4 is empty (== [])

And final (N=3) will forms like below:

{ N=3 } -- without flattening

To make the same function for creating list of the part, we need to redefine {N=1} cases.

{ N=1 }                                   { N=1 }
  [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]]                   [[[1]],[[2]],[[3]],[[4]],[[5]]]
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_1  =>           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
           ^^^^^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_2                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
               ^^^^^^^ -> tailN1_3                            ^^^^^^^^^^^
{ N=1, Part = 2 } : N/A


{ N=2, P=1 }
  [ 1 : [t] | t <- concat tailN1_1 ] => [[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[1,5]]
{ N=2, P=2 }
  [ 2 : [t] | t <- concat tailN1_2 ] => [[2,3],[2,4],[2,5]]
{ N=2, P=3 }
  [ 3 : [t] | t <- concat tailN1_3 ] => [[3,4],[3,5]]
{ N=2, P=4 }
  [ 4 : [t] | t <- concat tailN1_4 ] => [[4,5]]
{ N=2, P=5 }
  N/A as tailN1P1_5 == []
combinations1' is also required to be modified.
combinations1' :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
combinations1' ms = [ [[m]] | m <- ms ]

and combinations1 is equivalent to previous implementation but , In another words codes, it means that flattened version of combinations1'.

combinations1 :: [a] -> [[a]]
combinations1 = concat . combinations1'

Tail After Tail !!

As you can see, as we are making combinations by selecting number of N, we are actually preparing for next one. This is why I call the method Tail After Tail.

About Accumulation

And I found scanl is doing something similar jobs. if we want to use scanr for whatever reason, we need to change our order of list a little bit. but for <now. Iā€™d like to keep use scanl.

How To Make Each Partital Result

So when you make {N=2} partial results, we need total result of {N=1}, which depends on the members. which can be made from combinations'

So when we are making {N=2} cases, we will omit first one (which is [[1],...,[5]]) and map over the members. we are going to make function we can call for each part.


genPart makes each partial result.

genPart :: Foldable t => a -> t [[a]] -> [[a]]
genPart leader followerGroups = [ leader : followers
                                  | followers <- concat followerGroups ]
Ī»> currentLeaderNum = 1
Ī»> followers = ((combinations' members) !! 1)
genPart currentLeaderNum followers
Ī»> currentLeaderNum = 2
Ī»> followers = ((combinations' members) !! 2)

As we can see leader are increasing and followers index are also increasing. which introduce us some function with parallel association.

We are going to use zipWith in this case.


genStep : makes all partial results along with leader and followers.

usefulTails :: [a] -> [[a]]
usefulTails = init . tails

genStep :: [[[a]]] -> [a] -> [[[a]]]
genStep prevTails members' =
  zipWith genPart members' (usefulTails prevTails')
    prevTails' = tail prevTails -- head is not useful

So, zipWith will call genPart with each member of members and each member of (tail prevTails) in parallel.

So with result of {N=1}, we could get {N=2}

Ī»> combinationsN1 = combinations' members
Ī»> mapM_ print $ genStep combinationsN1 members

Please, note that the result is not flattened yet as we need to use tail of the list later. Once flattened, we can hardly get the list we want.

Now itā€™s time to accumlate them.


Letā€™s see the type first.

Ī»> :t scanl
scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]

One thing obvious is that genStep will be the (b -> a -> b).

and we have seed status from (combinations' members).

But how about last arugment: [a]??


membersTails will make a list of leader group for each calling of genStep.

As step is growing up from number of one, the list will be reduced from the tail. and inits will do the job and actually we need to reverse after all.

membersTails = reverse . tail . inits -- tail is used to skip empty list.


allCombinationsā€™ā€™ will produce un-flattened combinations for each step. allCombinationsā€™ā€™ will use scanl and letā€™s check the value before going further.

foldable group for scanl

Ī»> mapM_ print $ membersTails members

After wiring those up:

allCombinations'' :: [a] -> [[[[a]]]]
allCombinations'' ms = scanl genStep (combinations1' ms) (membersTails ms)

Looks quite simple, doesnā€™t it?


allCombinations will produce flattened combinations which is we really want. which look a bit tricky. but letā€™s see our {N=2} result.

[ [ [1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[1,5] ]   -- > group 1
, [ [2,3],[2,4],[2,5] ]         -- > group 2
, [ [3,4],[3,5] ]               -- > group 3
, [ [4,5] ]                     -- > group 4

re-indented them for better reading

In short:

[ ...
  [ group1, group2, group3, group4 ] -- > N2

What we need first is

group1 <> group2 <> group3 <> group4

And next one is

N1 <> N2 <> N3 <> N4 <> N5
allCombinations' = map concat . allCombinations''
allCombinations  = concat . allCombinations'

Note: allCombinations' will be used later.


Data.List module has a function called subsequences, which makes all possilbe combinations from given list.

However, personally I am not big fan of the order which subsequences creating. What I prefer is the same as what raku language does.

Rakuā€™s Combinations

Online doc: combinations

 > [1..5].combinations
  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
  (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (1 5) (2 3) (2 4) (2 5) (3 4) (3 5) (4 5)
  (1 2 3) (1 2 4) (1 2 5) (1 3 4) (1 3 5) (1 4 5) (2 3 4) (2 3 5) (2 4 5) (3 4 5)
  (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 5) (1 2 4 5) (1 3 4 5) (2 3 4 5)
  (1 2 3 4 5)

Preceding order makes more sense for me. Nevertheless, if you need quick all combinations, you can try for subsequences because it comes with basic haskell installation.

Combination of K

Now, itā€™s time to talk about select only K member(s) out of all.

i.e how to select three elements from a list of [ ā€˜Aā€™, ā€˜Bā€™, ā€˜Cā€™, ā€˜Dā€™, ā€˜Eā€™ ]?


Ī»> take 0 [1..]

The preceding code works immediately because we donā€™t need to know whole list to get nothing from it. So we could get benefit from this laziness here again!

combinations :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> [[a]]
combinations ms n1@selectFrom n2@selectTo =
    ( isFlipped, n1', n2' ) = -- smaller value first
      if n1 < n2 then ( False
                      , max n1 0
                      , max n2 0)
      else            ( True
                      , max n2 0
                      , max n1 0)
      -- and ensure all range value are zero or positive by usig `max`
    rangeLength = n2' - n1' + 1
      | isFlipped = reverse
      | otherwise = id

    -- note: read from the bottom
    concat                      -- 4. final flattening
    . reverseIfNeeded           -- 3. if user put opposite way, reverse it.
    . take rangeLength          -- 2. takes only interested lists
    . drop (pred n1')           -- 1. ignore some
    $ allCombinations' ms

Okay. This is it. I like this implementation because we recycle the previous result to make new one. (What a sustainable choice! šŸŒŽ)

I hope performance is also nice. (less time -> less electricity?)

About Compact Code _ ģ••ģ¶•ėœ ģ½”ė“œģ— ź“€ķ•“

For curiosity, I wrote down the full code of allCombinations by using let or where clause.

allCombinations =
  concat . map concat . allCombinations''
    allCombinations'' ms =
      scanl genStep [ [[m]] | m <- ms ] (reverse . tail . inits $ ms)
        genPart x tss = [ x : ts | ts <- concat tss ]
        genStep pt ms = zipWith genPart ms (init . tails . tail $ pt)

Yeahā€¦ haskell code naturally can be pretty compact. But I believe that more documentation and best practice will haskell greater!

You can see this article in raw format at here.

Thank you for reading!