đź“° Css Parallax for Yesod Widget (WIP)

Posted on March 27, 2022 by Myoungjin Jeon
Tags: haskell, css, parallax

This module applys css parallax on Yesod by creating Yesod widget.

And article written in Literate Haskell.

In other words, this article in raw format(.lhs) could be actually used in yesod.

If you are not familar with yesod, you might need to get more information from: yesod website.

Table of Contents
- Synopsis (How to use)
  - Precaution
  - Example Code
- Css Parallax Expalnation
- About Yesod Widget
  - Benefit
  - Widget type and Snippet Code.

- Making Widget
  - Data structure for the widget
    (data of which the widget consists)
  - Add css codes(Lucius) for parallax effect
  - Html (Hamlet)

Synopsis (How to use)


* , *::after, *::before {
    border: 0;
    padding: 0;

NOTE: Above settings is NOT included in the Widget.

Example Code

the following code shows how to use the widget.

Note: there are some pseudo function or css class name

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = do
    (formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost sampleForm
    parallaxSurfix <- newIdent
    master <- getYesod -- required to get copyright information

    let submission = Nothing :: Maybe FileForm
        handlerName = "getHomeR" :: Text
        parallaxSettings =
          { classSurfix = parallaxSurfix
          , perspective = PixelSize . toRational $ (100 :: Integer)
          , globalBgSpeed = Speed $ 1 :% 5

          , customTopLevelClasses = CssClasses []-- [ "body-grid-column-template" ]
          , mbSkirtClasses = Nothing
          , mbFooterContent =
              Just $ toWidget $(hamletFile "templates/toplevel-footer.hamlet")
          , parallaxGroups =
              [ CssParallaxGroup
                { groupId = "intro"
                , customCssClasses = CssClasses []{-[ "whole-grid-column"
                                                -- ^ use whole area of topLevel
                                                , "body-grid-column-template"
                , parallaxClasses = CssClasses []{-[ "whole-grid-column"
                                               -- ^ use whole area of group
                , mbBgSpeed = Nothing
                , bgStaticRoute = img_cafeblossom_grey_webp
                                  -- ^ from Settings/StaticFiles.hs
                , titleContainerClasses = CssClasses []-- [ "main-grid-area" ]
                , titleContent = toWidget [hamlet|
                                               Better Coffee Now
                , moreContents =
                      toWidget $(hamletFile "templates/home-main.hamlet")
                      -- we can add more .. ??
                      toWidget $(hamletFileReload "templates/home-main.hamlet")

    defaultLayout $ do
      --let (commentFormId, commentTextareaId, commentListId) = commentIds

        -- ^ load extra css
        setTitle "Cafe Blossom"
        toWidgetHead $(luciusFile "templates/homepage.lucius")
        toWidgetHead $(luciusFileReload "templates/homepage.lucius")
        parallaxWidget parallaxSettings

Css Parallax Explanation

concisely, to get 3d transformation we need:

three elements with some attributes which are:

    1. base element and a perspective from where we see the object on the page.
       (which is generally not moving during transformation)
    2. an anchor element(normally div) contains the elements which is actually
    3. transformation origin (default is the center of the anchor element)

About Yesod Widget

Please read this online book


and last but not least,

Firstly, We need to use some haskell extensions.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

QuasiQuotes required for [hamlet| … |] style syntax

module Widget.CssParallax
   ( CssParallaxSettings (..)
   , CssParallaxGroup (..)
   , CssClassesType (..)
   , ClassSurfix
   , SpeedType (..)
   , ScaleType (..)
   , parallaxWidget
   ) where

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Yesod.Core (HandlerSite, MonadWidget)
import Yesod.Core.Types (WidgetFor)
import Yesod.Core.Widget (whamlet, toWidget, CssBuilder(..))
import Yesod.Static (StaticRoute)
import Text.Lucius
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup, toMarkup)
import Foundation

Foundataion in yesod-scaffold creates data type App, Widget, Handlers (including StaticR which is used for css bacgkground-image here)

## Widget type and Snippet Code.

Whether we are creating from quasi quotes or loading from file, results in Widget data type.

from yesodweb.com ther is an example for lucius (template lang for css)

footer :: Widget
footer = do
         footer {
             font-weight: bold;
             text-align: center;
         <p>That's all folks!

So we can later interpolate with other Widgets like:

page :: Widget
page =
      <p>This is my page. I hope you enjoyed it.

Suprisingly, we don’t ned to worry about mixed template lanuages. Above code use Html(Hamlet) and Css(Lucius) at the same time.

So basically every element could be a Widget.

We can load our widget(s) later, which is explained in: here

Making Widget

Now Let’s have a look in to the previous example as an Yesod Widget. This widget consists of Html and Css only, so we will see how to create an widget with Hamlet and Cacius

Data structure for the widget

I am going to put in the page:

type ClassSurfix = Text
data CssParallaxSettings site =
  { classSurfix           :: ClassSurfix
  , customTopLevelClasses :: CssClassesType
  , perspective           :: PixelSize
  , globalBgSpeed         :: SpeedType
  , mbSkirtClasses        :: Maybe CssClassesType
  , parallaxGroups        :: [CssParallaxGroup site]
  , absParallaxItems      :: [AbsCssParallaxItem site]
  , mbFooterContent       :: Maybe (WidgetFor site ())

-- | each group can have different background and parallax speed.
data CssParallaxGroup site =
  { groupId                     :: ParallaxGroupId
    -- ^ used for unique css class name
  , grpCustomCssClasses         :: CssClassesType
    -- ^ this is custom css classes for styling
  , grpParallaxClasses          :: CssClassesType
    -- ^ about parallax object specific styling
  , mbGrpBgSpeed                :: Maybe SpeedType
  , grpBgStaticRoute            :: StaticRoute
  , grpTitleContainerClasses    :: CssClassesType
  , grpTitleContent             :: WidgetFor site ()
  , grpMoreContents             :: [WidgetFor site()]

-- | Some parallax items can has 'absolute' position and moving at different
--   speed. (normally used for faster-moving elements)
data AbsCssParallaxItem site =
  { itemId                :: ParallaxItemId
  , customItemCssClasses  :: CssClassesType
  , itemSpeed             :: SpeedType
  , itemContent           :: WidgetFor site ()

Make some type alias for more readable form of declaration

-- | alias for parallax group or item Id
type ParallaxGroupId = Text
type ParallaxItemId  = Text

newtype CssClassesType = CssClasses { getCssClasses :: [Text] }
-- |  join all the classes with " " to use inside tag < .. class="<Here>" >
instance Show CssClassesType where
  show (CssClasses ts) = (show . T.unwords) ts
instance ToCss CssClassesType where
  toCss (CssClasses ccs) = toCss . T.unwords $ ccs
instance ToMarkup CssClassesType where
  toMarkup (CssClasses ccs) = toMarkup . T.unwords $ ccs

However, the below code got complained:

type SpeedType = Rational
type Scaletype = Rational

instance (Show a, Real a) => ToCss (Ratio a) where
  toCss x = toCss . show $ x
keyword: warningOrphans

    Orphan instance: instance (Show a, Real a) => ToCss (Ratio a)
    To avoid this
        move the instance declaration to the module of the class or of the type, or
        wrap the type with a newtype and declare the instance on the new type.
XXX | > instance (Show a, Real a) => ToCss (Ratio a) where
    |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...

So I change to

newtype SpeedType = Speed Rational
newtype ScaleType = Scale Rational

instance ToCss ScaleType where
  toCss (Scale s) = toCss . (show :: Float -> String) . fromRational $ s
instance ToCss SpeedType where
  toCss (Speed s) = toCss . (show :: Float -> String) . fromRational $ s

To avoid class naming colision, you can add ClassSurfix via newIdent.

learn more

-- |  Return the appropriate value for translateZ by given perspective and
-- scale value.
-- Original apporach:
--   set translateZ value -> make scale value
-- New approach:
--    set scale value -> make translateZ value
-- Because more scale means less moving speed
--      h  : transformed height
--      h' : original height
--      p  : perspective value
--      z  : translated value on Z-axis
-- >         h : h' = p : p + |z|
-- >
-- >                h'     (p+|z|)
-- >        scale = ----  = -------
-- >                 h         p
-- >
-- >       |z| = p * scale - p = p * (scale - 1)

getTranslateZpixel :: PixelSize -> ScaleType -> PixelSize
getTranslateZpixel (PixelSize perspecVal) (Scale scaleVal) =
  PixelSize . toRational . negate $
  (fromRational perspecVal :: Float) * (scaleVal' - 1)
    scaleVal' = fromRational scaleVal :: Float

-- |  Create a main widget with 100% covered background with contents
-- TODO: parameterize horizontal cover size
parallaxWidget :: (MonadWidget m, HandlerSite m ~ App) =>
  CssParallaxSettings App -> m ()
parallaxWidget CssParallaxSettings{..} = do
  let bgScaleFromSpeed :: SpeedType -> ScaleType
      bgScaleFromSpeed (Speed spd)
        | spd == 0 = Scale . toRational $ (999999999999999 :: Integer)
        | otherwise = Scale $ 1 / spd
      globalBgScale = bgScaleFromSpeed globalBgSpeed

      translateZpx spd =
        (getTranslateZpixel perspective) . bgScaleFromSpeed $ spd

About luciusMixin

Online Book

Some properties can be parameterized and less mistakes expected when writing css. For example, using transform and -webkit-transform with same property value.

-- v will be interpolated in the follwing `toWidget`
      transformForPallaxMixin sp = [luciusMixin|
      transform: translateZ(#{translateZpx sp}) scale(#{bgScaleFromSpeed sp});
       -webkit-transform: translateZ(#{translateZpx sp}) scale(#{bgScaleFromSpeed sp});

However above mixin value depends on speed value from each different group. we need to concatenate all the settings. which is done by easily, because Mixin is a Monoid.

So let’s make a list of pair of ParallaxGroupId => SpeedType

      parallaxGroupIdToSpeed =
        map (\CssParallaxGroup{..} -> (groupId, mbBgSpeed)) parallaxGroups

But probably map with global background speed and is better idea.

      parallaxGroupWithGlobalSpeed :: [(ParallaxGroupId, SpeedType, StaticRoute)]
      parallaxGroupWithGlobalSpeed =
        map (\CssParallaxGroup{..} ->
                , Maybe.maybe globalBgSpeed id mbBgSpeed
                , bgStaticRoute

One more thing I would like to mention is that all this settings for parllax speed (which is related to transformation scale) and background is reuquired to remain inside of @supports block. However @supports block is unable to get mixin directly in its block, we need to make a separate lucius block and will be applied later.

      -- | set up transformation and background for each group
      applyAllGroupsParallaxSetup =
        foldr (>>) (toWidget $ CssBuilder "") $
        map (\(gid, spd, bgRoute) ->
               toWidget [lucius|
                          ##{gid} > .as-parallax {
                            ^{transformForPallaxMixin spd}
                            width: min(105%, 100vw);
                            height: 100%; /* we need to set the size on grid setting*/
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            background-image: url( @{StaticR bgRoute} );
                            background-repeat: repeat;
                            background-size: cover;
                            background-position: center;
            ) parallaxGroupWithGlobalSpeed

This is another mixin example for duplicated properties.

      transformForFixingSafariHWAccelMixin = [luciusMixin|
        transform: translateZ(1e-12px);
       -webkit-transform: translateZ(1e-12px);

Instead of some comments you can use meaningful function name.

      gridUseAllColumnsMixin = [luciusMixin|grid-column: 1 / -1;|]

Grid setup is useful when custom layout applied through customTopLevelClasses, groupClasses, etc.

The main elements are parallax groups a.k.a slides. And also after last group finished, we need an extra div to fill up empty space (especially we have more contents after last background) And lastly, if you need any footer for your web page, footer should be inside of toplevel because toplevel handles overflow here.

However, groups could be more than one, we are unable to specify the grid row names, so you might need to specify only how many rows it will consume

Each group contains:

  1. a parallax object (background image) could be improve with multiple parallax object
  2. cover (normally used for title)
  3. group contents

So, grid template looks like:

TODO : parameterize cover height

      gridTemplateGroupMixin = [luciusMixin|
          [cp-rtop cp-prlx-rtop cp-bs-rtop] 100vh
          [cp-prlx-rbtm cp-bs-rbtm cp-bs-extra-rtop] auto
          [cp-bs-extra-rbtm cp-rbtm];

rtop: row top, rbtm: row bottom, prlx: parllax, bs: base(no parallax) relatively. For basic setup background and cover share the same area.

You can also parameterize the your mixin

      gridUseAllRowsNamedMixin :: Text -> Mixin
      gridUseAllRowsNamedMixin rowName = [luciusMixin|
        grid-row: cp-#{rowName}-rtop / cp-#{rowName}-rbtm;

Typeclass like PixelSize is amazing when you use cacius or lucius PixelSize is a Num so you can add any Num but when tranlated into Css, which is appened by “px” string.

      fixiOSCaveatMixin = [luciusMixin|
        perspective: #{perspective + 1};

To apply(append) custom css classes, I made one more little mixin

      appendCssClasses :: CssClassesType -> String
      appendCssClasses ccs
        | null (getCssClasses ccs) = ""
        | otherwise = " " <> (show ccs)

And the following code is for the css part…

Add css codes(Lucius) for parallax effect

  toWidget [lucius|
.css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix} {
  height: 500px; /* fallback for older browser */
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-y: auto;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  display: grid;
.css-parallax-group-#{classSurfix} {

    display: grid;
.css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix} {
    transform-origin: center bottom;
.css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix}.as-parallax {
    /* set another background division after the original background */
    /* this is normally for simple background setup for content
     * which is not parallaxed */
    ^{gridUseAllRowsNamedMixin "prlx"}
.css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix}.as-base {
    ^{gridUseAllRowsNamedMixin "bs"}
.css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix}.as-base-extra {
    ^{gridUseAllRowsNamedMixin "bs-extra"}
.css-parallax-item-#{classSurfix} {
    position: absolute;
.css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix} > .css-parallax-background-skirt-#{classSurfix} {
    grid-row: span 1;
/*    ^{gridUseSkirtRowMixin}*/
.css-parallax-toplevel-footer-#{classSurfix} {
    grid-row: span 1;
.css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix} + div {
    /* credit: The Safari and iOS Caveat on https://orangeable.com/css/parallax-scroll */
    /* jeongoon: haven't tested. no iPad or Macbook :-/ */

    /* Safari / iOS issue with `overflow: hidden` is not working
     * in the `css-parallax-toplevel` */
@supports ((perspective: 1px) and (not (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch))) {
    body {
        transform: translateZ(0px);
        /* ^ Fix paint issues in Edge & Safari H/W accel */

    .css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix} {
        perspective: #{perspective};
       /* v fix wrong calculation visual size(height) of background
        *   on webkit based browsers.
       perspective-origin: center bottom;

    .css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix} > *
    , .css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix}.as-base
    , .css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix}.as-base-extra {
        z-index: 1;
        /* prevents the browser flattening the `css-parallax-layer` elements */
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        /* v ensure Safari H/W acceleration */

Html (Hamlet)

And finally this is Html part for actual displaying layout. Please have a look gridTemplateToplevelMixin and gridTemplateGroupMixin for the structure.

  toWidget [whamlet|
<div class="css-parallax-toplevel-#{classSurfix}#{appendCssClasses customTopLevelClasses}">
  $if null parallaxGroups
      No parallaxGroups: Please Check you parallaxGroups
    $forall pg <- parallaxGroups
      <div id="#{groupId pg}" class="css-parallax-group-#{classSurfix}#{appendCssClasses (grpCustomCssClasses pg)}">
        <div class="css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix} as-parallax#{appendCssClasses (grpParallaxClasses pg)}">

        <div class="css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix} as-base#{appendCssClasses (grpTitleContainerClasses pg)}">
          ^{grpTitleContent pg}
        <div class="css-parallax-layer-#{classSurfix} as-base-extra">
            $forall moreContent <- (grpMoreContents pg)
      $forall pi <- absParallaxItems
        <div id="#{itemId pi}" class="css-parallax-item-#{classSurfix}#{appendCssClasses (customItemCssClasses pi)}">
          ^{itemContent pi}
  $maybe skirtClasses <- mbSkirtClasses
    <div class="css-parallax-background-skirt-#{classSurfix}#{appendCssClasses skirtClasses }">
  $maybe footerContent <- mbFooterContent
    <div class="css-parallax-toplevel-footer-#{classSurfix}">

About My Literate Haskell Usage

When ghc is compling literate haskell file and if something goes wrong, it doesn’t suggest what to do next. And if there is one line ghc cannot understand it will just spit out the error messages like below.

this is a capture for literate pre-processor typo error messages

src/Widget/CssParallax.lhs line 502: unlit: Program line next to comment
src/Widget/CssParallax.lhs line 504: unlit: Program line next to comment

/.../..../src/Widget/CssParallax.lhs:1:1: error:
    `unlit' failed in phase `Literate pre-processor'. (Exit code: 1)

And it only says my first line of code is incorrect.

1 |  This module applys css parallax on Yesod by creating Yesod widget
  | ^

For the first time I met those error, I totally had no idea what to do next.


add support individual parallax item